You are searching for an affiliate marketing program where you can make some money by promoting the products they have. Did you realize what is your strongest point for a chance to get those signups using your referral code? Okay, so let’s try to understand the different method, what are those valid way the advertisers allow you to use in getting conversions.

As an affiliate marketer like me, I have a method as part of my technique on which is going to be effective and has a high chance of earnings.

  • Direct Linking

Direct Linking is when a publisher links directly to the advertisers offer page or campaign page. Instead of designing own website or landing page, you’re sending traffic directly to the advertiser’s website.

  • Search

SEO or also known as ( Search Engine Optimization ) is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines via the “natural” or un-paid (“organic” or “algorithmic”) search results. SEO doesn’t bring results instantly but it can be extremely rewarding in the long run.

  • Sub Affiliate

A sub-affiliate network is a company that offers services to bloggers and website owners that can make it easier for them to monetize their blog/website through affiliate marketing. Where else an affiliate network accepts publishers to register with them directly and start promoting. In other words, a Sub-affiliate network creates a second tier of an affiliate programs. It distributes its earnings to its publishers and simplifies the set up process for them.

  • Email

Marketing your products or services by email can be a fast, flexible and cost-effective way of reaching new customers and retaining existing customers by encouraging repeat website visits. Email marketing can allow you to create targeted and personalized messages. You can specifically find the users according to the niche you are looking for. Your marketing list will be made up of people who have actively chosen to receive email communications from you. Customers who are genuinely interested in your products and/or services are more likely to engage with your business.

  • Display

Display advertising is an online form of advertising in which the campaigns or offers promotional messages appear on third-party sites or search engine results pages in social networks commonly. This will increase the number of website page view and helps to increase the purchase intention of consumers.

  • Coupon & Promotional Codes

This promotion method is highly used by publishers who are running a coupons site and if they wish to generate new user traffic to their website. Users can enjoy a special discounted rate by purchasing from the publishers coupon sites whenever there is a campaign or an new offer launched by the advertiser.

  • Cashback & Loyalty

Cashback & Loyalty is a process where customers receive money back or loyalty points after making a purchase on the website. Cashback & loyalty websites is mainly used by publishers who targets users who likes cashback from their items purchased. It is a part of sales promotion and marketing strategies which works well to attract cashback users. If you own a cashback website then this method of promotion for an offer works best for you

  • Textlink

Text link ads are one way to monetize your blog or website. In-text advertising turns individual words or phrases in the text into links. Usually, these links appear in a different color from the rest of the text. When visitors to your site click on the linked word or phrase, they are taken to the offer / campaign page on another website.

  • Social Media

Social media influencing promotional method is the most common known way of promoting in affiliate marketing industry as there is no any fee’s required to create a social media account and can be managed by a single individual itself which is more cost-efficient. However, this promotional method requires high traffic and followers in order for you to get more conversions for an offer promoted. The fundamental rule for this promotion method is “The higher the traffic and followers in your social media the higher your conversion successful rate will be”.

  • Content Sites

Content marketing is when a person or brand creates and shares content online to a wide audience. This promotional method is widely used by content sites. While not every piece of content needs to explicitly promote a brand, it is often used to enhance the reader’s perception of the content creator and increase their interest in their products or services. One of the most simple ways to get started with affiliate marketing is to create a review article or video for the product. In the video or article, you can share what you like and don’t like about the product along with your final recommendations

  • Push Notification

Push notification marketing is an advertising strategy whereby marketers inform their target audience about services and products via browser notifications on an array of devices. Send Pulse offers free web push service if your database has fewer than 10,000 subscribers.

  • Interstitial

Basically, interstitial meaning is the thing that is placed between layers. Interstitial ads, that has different kinds such as video interstitial ads, are full-screen ad formats covering the interface of an app and appearing at natural app transition points like pausing a game. Users have the option to skip the ad if they want. The main difference between banner ads and interstitial ads is that interstitial ads cover all the screen, and it makes it catchier and more effective. One of the most common interstitial is the pop-up ad. Another emerging format is a full-page ad that interrupts sequential content, forcing exposure to the advertisement before visitors can continue on their content path. Interstitial often draw an above average amount of response and resentment. The high response rates typically translate into higher CPM (Cost Per Thousand) rates. The high level of resentment may translate into consumer backlash, although the exact long-term effects are unclear.

  • Incentive Traffic

Incentive Traffic basically means visitors who have received some form of compensation for visiting a site. The danger of incentive traffic is when 3rd-party promoters compensate people for visiting your site without disclosing that information to you. Incentive traffic is widely regarded as of a much lower quality than uninventive traffic. Incentive visitors typically do only what is necessary to gain the incentive and nothing more.

Incentives may come in the form of cash, points, or other means. While incentive clicks/traffic is the most notable incentive-based action, other forms exist such as incentive registrations.

  • Pop up, Popunder & Tabunder

You click a link and a new tab opens on top of the original website you were on.

Ad is a type of a full-size window that opens in the browser just under the main active window. To fully understand this ad format, it’s often opposed to Pop-up ad. Since Popunder advertisement appears once the user closes their main browser window, it makes them less intrusive and more acceptable to users.

When a page both opens a popup to some destination (usually where the user wants to go) & navigates the opener page to some third party content (usually an advertisement).